Quotes & Jobs

Do better quotes, send your quotes instantly and give your customers the flexibility to click and accept your quote.

Our terms of use and privacy poilcy apply on signup.

Unlimited Quotes

Stop juggling price lists, material books and calculators.
As you enter measurements the system generates accurate pricing and quotes on the spot.

Unlimited Quotes

Email & track quotes

Emailing quotes to your customers is as simple as a couple of clicks with your personalised message. Knowing when and how many times your customer has opened your quote is like gaining a super-power. Because you’ll know when to follow up.

Email and track quotes

Manage quote status

Track all changes throughout a quote’s history, including who made what change and when.
You can also view previous iterations of a quote at any time.

Manage quote status

Quote viewed alerts

Get real-time alerts on quote email opens, link clicks and new emails.
See your conversation inside BlinQ story line, it means no more shuffling between screens to get the full picture.

Quote viewed alerts

Customize quote layouts

Customise your quote templates for your specifics,
hide any details including the measurements from customers quote with simple tick boxes.

Customize quote layouts

Manage visibility of the fields

Enjoy complete control by customising products & fields. Simply activate the calculations to manage price grids, materials, products & fields as well as the visibility in print copies.

Manage visibility of the fields

Print customer quote with limited information

Customise the way your quote will look for customers,
by hiding any information such as measurements with simple tick boxes.

Print customer quote with limited information

Job tracking dashboard

Our visual dashboard lets you intuitively understand where all your jobs are and move them forward towards completion. Such as: Approved, On Hold, Check Measurement, Ready to Fit, Fitted, Cancelled, Completed.
We can also customise specific status to fit your requirements.

Job tracking dashboard

Manage jobs status

View the progress of your customer’s job in real time in one system. Track your customer’s journey from their initial quote to job completion. View all activities that occurred for the customer’s job, including staff notes, email correspondence,
purchase orders and deposits.

Manage jobs status

Export order sheet as PDF or Excel

Export quotes & work order sheet as a printable file, Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or PDF.

Export order sheet as PDF or Excel

Start your free 7-day trial today. No credit card required.