Do you find it challenging to stay updated on the status of your purchase orders and ensure timely installations?

"Effortlessly Track Your Window Coverings Orders with BlinQ Quotes' PO Dashboard."

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Are you looking for a comprehensive solution to manage and track your window coverings orders from start to finish?

Are you looking for a comprehensive solution to manage and track your window coverings orders from start to finish?

Yes, the BlinQ quotes software for blinds and window coverings provides a comprehensive solution to manage and track your purchase orders and ensure timely installations. With the PO's tracking dashboard, you can easily stay updated on the status of your purchase orders and view the installation dates. The dashboard acts as a powerful source of information, allowing you to track current PO's and ESD's (Estimated Shipping Dates). You can utilize the search function to filter and extract specific information, all within a single view. This functionality enables you to efficiently move orders through the workflow, ensuring a smooth and timely process for your blinds and window coverings orders from start to finish.

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Keep it simple & accurate!

BlinQ Software is a perfect tool for creating on-site accurate quotations for window furnishing. Create your quote in few minutes not in few hours.

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Workflow automation software for retailers and manufacturers of blinds, shutters & curtains.

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